Friday, 12 May 2017

How to overcome and deal with annoying fakeness or fake friends

As a social species, we humans get to make friends with a lot of great people; and then there are the fake people you meet who make you want to come back at them with ‘What is wrong with you?’ ‘Are you mad, fam?’ Our gut tells us that something is not quite right about the words and feelings that come from a fake person and we want to avoid them.

The more negative, emotionally-draining, fake people you can eliminate from your life, the better off you will feel. Surrounding yourself with only positive, genuine people is more likely to give you the support you need to help you reach your goals.

Overcome annoying fakeness

This is the tips or steps that you can make to overcome annoying fake situations:

1.     Avoid the fake person y yasta. I know is easy to say it than doing it, but try to hang out with that person as little as possible. The less time you spend with this person, the fewer chances that s/he will have to get on your nerves. When they act this way, they don’t get the privilege of hanging out with you, period.

2.     If you can’t avoid that fake person, keep your interactions short. Sometimes social situations can force you to hang out with that annoying fake person (for example, s/he is in the same classroom as you or at the same school, or s/he shows up at a group event). In this case, you still want to avoid being rude, so don’t outright ignore the fake person.                  
                                             A good rule of thumb is simply to avoid talking to this person until s/he talks to you first or until you must for some other reason. Act polite but a little distant towards this person.

3.     Don’t let annoying fake people stress you out. Keeping your cool around fake people is very important, even if they’re annoying. It’s better to remove yourself from an annoying situation than to blow up at someone fakeness. Don’t be afraid to give yourself a time out, few minutes of “cooling off”, go for a walk or do something that will distract you from that situation.

However, If the fake person says something disrespectful or nasty to you, yooo don’t keep quiet. That person needs to know there are limits to their behaviours, so fire back by saying something like “I don’t like what you are doing, can you stop?” or “I don’t like fake people”.

4.     Don’t put yourself on the fake person level. What you don’t want or need is to become fake yourself by trying to fight fakeness in other people. Resist the urge to get involve or giving in to petty gossiping and rude remarks.

Advice on dealing with fake friends

1.     Address the “fakeness” head-on. If you suddenly notice a change in your friend behaviour (S/he starts acting in a way that you know isn’t true to their self), Speak up. Be prepared for a bad reaction from you friend. No one likes to hear the true.

2.     Ask Questions to get to the bottom of the fakeness. Never guess, always ask. Try asking questions like:
·        “Hey, I’ve noticed you acting a little differently, what’s up?”
·        “So, you’ve been hanging out with some different people, huh?”
·        “What’s all this new stuff you’ve been talking about lately?”

3.     Talk to your other friends about the problem. Be careful, don’t start gossiping about that other person just try and ask for advice rather than complaining. Remember that all you trying to do is deal with the problem not make the problem bigger.

In conclusion, be willing to “take a break” from your friendship if you should do it. You can’t force someone not to be fake. If you tried everything possible and nothing have changed. You need to step back and analyse the situation and ask yourself if it’s worth it to keep having contact with that person. Avoid hanging out with this person one-on-one and limit your interactions when you’re hanging out in a group. Showing your friend that fake behaviour so that you don’t want to hang out may persuade him or her to stop. If not, at least you’ll limit the amount that this person annoys you. See the bright side, always

So, this’s it for today. Hope that you guys enjoyed this post and learned some tips on how to deal with fake people. See you soon, guys XX

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